We have a number of beautiful stained glass windows in Church, here are some images and brief descriptions of them (click on the images for larger versions).
The main east window: Christ on the Cross, flanked on the left by St. Peter and St. Thomas, and on the right by St. Paul and St. James. (1861)
Close-up of main East window
South-east window: The Ascension (1873)
South Gallery: Christ in Majesty (1884)
South gallery: Jesus blesses the children (1894)
South gallery: St John the Evangelist
South gallery: Stilling the Storm (1900)
South gallery: Follow Me (1900)
North gallery: The Nativity (1870)
North gallery: John the Baptist
North gallery: St. Cecilia (1929)
North Gallery: Jesus heals the sick (1894)
Wellington coat of arms (Deo Adjuvante—”with God going before us”)
Shropshire coat of arms