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Eco Church

Eco Church image

Eco Church is a learning community of churches of all shapes and sizes. It provides a framework to support the church and its leadership to take practical action on caring for God’s earth.

It looks at 5 main areas: management of church buildings, management of church land, worship and teaching, community and global engagement, and lifestyle

We at All Saints are very glad to have been awarded the silver eco-church award. It is thanks to the whole church, clergy and congregation, all of you have contributed.  And it does not stop there!  Being an eco-church is part of an on-going commitment to care for creation as part of our faith.

Why is creation care an important part of our faith?

Creation care is an integral part of the Gospel, part of our vision.

“Living in a way that honours, rather than threatens the planet, is living out what it means to be made in the image of God…..What we face today is nothing less than a choice about how genuinely human we want to be”  (Dr Rowan Williams)

We each are part of a global eco-system.  All our decisions, personal and as a body, have to be greener for a healthier world. We are part of nature, not apart from it. 

It is up to each and everyone of us to live within nature’s mean, for the earth is not limitless. 

What can I do?


There’s a really good series of short videos connecting the Gospel and care for creation on Right Now Media which All Saints’ is signed up to.


Our world faces many problems:  all of them are exacerbated by climate change. Poverty, lack of clean water, drought, flooding, food insecurity.

Some useful guides to prayer:

Tearfund is one of the mission partners supported by All Saints.

A prayer walk guide can be downloaded here


What can we do, where we are?

Do a lifestyle audit – ‘We all need to make a complete, radical and honest audit of our lifestyles, their impact on the poor and on the planet,’ said A Rocha UK co-founder Dave Bookless, ‘and to ask God to pinpoint where we should start making changes.”

Live simply, that others may simply live:



Our Vicar Tim Carter introduces steps we’ve taken at All Saints:

Part of our environmental commitment is to partner with others in the community.  This resulted in the first Wellington Green Festival in July 2024.

Did you know that there is a community orchard in the graveyard?

As part of a community project 12 fruit trees have been planted.

Join the gardening group who care for the planting around the churchyard!

Contact the church office or speak to Chrissie Mayo.

Look out for upcoming projects and interviews!

The Church of England’s ambitious Net Zero Carbon by 2030 programme aims to equip, resource and support all parts of the Church to reduce carbon emissions from the energy used in its buildings, schools and through work-related transport by 2030.

Making swift boxes for the church tower