At the 2017 APCM I said that one of the tasks we faced over the coming year was to:
Develop and call out a new leadership team that can discern and share a clear vision and direction of travel whilst providing leadership and coordination to different areas of parish life.
Through the year we have been discussing this at PCC, especially on a PCC Away Day in the summer. We aim to bring a proposal to the 2018 APCM for a new leadership model that will enable the parish to be fruitful.
Read – Pray – Consider
- Read the proposal and feedback your thoughts and questions to PCC members
- Pray about it. Just as there was a season of prayer in the vacancy praying for a new leader for the church, there will be a season of prayer from January to April praying for the new leadership team that God is calling out.
- Consider what role God is calling you to take on
This proposed model is like that which is adopted by many organisations, including school governing bodies.
The PCC would retain its current size and membership, and would meet four times a year. The three key tasks of the PCC would be to:
- Maintain oversight of the parish
- Connect together the work of the various ministries of the church
- Hold the Vision
- Safeguarding will also remain within the direct remit of the PCC.
In addition to the PCC and Standing Committee, there would be Action Groups with responsibility for oversight and delivery of different aspects of parish life. They would operate with significant levels of delegated authority but would be accountable to the PCC. Members of the Action Groups would be responsible for delivering the actions agreed at their meetings in partnership with other members of the congregations.
The Action Groups would be chaired by members of the PCC, and would include at least one other member of the PCC. Other members would be invited to join the Action Group by the Chair, in consultation with the vicar. People would be invited to join the Action Group for 3 years, with a possible extension of another 3 years before taking at least 1 year break. Apart from the vicar, who would be ex-officio on all Action Groups, no one will be a member of more than two Action Groups.
Where there are paid staff in post whose roles have significant overlap with the scope of an Action Group, that member of staff will be ex officio (by reason of their position) active members of the Action Group. The Action Group will work with and support the member of staff. Responsibility for staff line management will remain with the vicar.
Mission and Discipleship Action Group
Responsible for evangelism, outreach and social action, structure and leadership of small groups (including youth and childrens groups), sermon series recommendations, enquirer courses, Christian initiation, vocations.
Ex officio: Parish Mission Enabler, Families Outreach worker, Youth and Children’s Worker
Linked Teams: House Group Leaders, Open Church Team, Midsummer Fayre Team, Tyndale, Sunday School Team, Preaching Team, Causeway Team
Worship and Prayer Action Group
Responsible for the worshipping and prayer life of the parish across its different congregations, including oversight of worship music, forms of worship used at different services, prayer events, and prayer room.
Ex officio: Music Director, Youth and Children’s Worker, Families Outreach Worker
Linked Teams: Sunday morning band, Explore Team, Service Leading Team, All-in Team, Ignite Team, Intercessors Team, Toddler Praise Team, Prayer Ministry Team, Bell Ringers
Pastoral Care and Hospitality Action Group
Responsible for the pastoral ministry of the church, ensuring it covers all congregations, including wedding and funeral ministries, home communions and other home visit ministries. Also responsible for the hospitality ministries of the church at the various services and events that we offer.
Linked Teams: Pastoral Care Team, Welcome Team, Sides Persons Team, Home Communion Team, Refreshments Teams, Oasis Team, Luncheon Sunday Team, Sunday Lifts Team, Revive Team, Hospital Visiting Team
Finance, Fabric, and Human Resources Action Group
Responsible for monitoring income and expenditure, recommending annual budgets to PCC, planning and delivering stewardship campaigns, recruitment and retention of staff, HR policies. Also responsible for the oversight of the upkeep of the buildings and fabric of the parish, including the AV systems. Monitoring and implementation of the Health and Safety policy would be in the remit of this committee.
Ex Officio: Treasurer, PCC Health and Safety Representative, Church Warden
Linked Teams: Cleaning Team, Maintenance Team, Warden Team, AV Team, Mission Giving Team, Flower Team
St Catherine’s DCC
St Catherine’s DCC would continue to operate independently, chaired by the vicar, drawing on the experience and resources of the other Action Groups as the life of the church requires it.
Standing Committee
This will exist as a legal requirement, but will only meet in emergencies. The PCC agenda will consist of consideration of recommendations made by the Action Groups and in setting the framework of vision and budget for the Action Groups to work within.