A couple of weeks back we held a ‘creativity day’ here at All Saints. We were songwriting, painting, knitting, drawing, colouring, sewing, writing and more. As part of the day, Dawn and Liz led a writing workshop, leading to some fabulous poetry and prose. We wanted to share what we created with the wider church and community, so we’ll be doing that over the next few weeks.
Remember the game ‘consequences’, where each line is written then the paper folded then passed on to the next player? We had a go at writing a few Psalm-type poems in this way. Here are the first couple.
1.) How great is your presence, Lord.
I know you are present whether I’m awake or asleep.
What a privilege to be welcomed into your arms, part of your family.
So I will praise, I will sing.
Even in darkness I will seek your face,
God my rock and my hiding place.

2.) I will worship you, Lord, whatever I feel, because I know your reliability.
You saw me before the world saw me, my life planned in your heart.
Even in depths, I call to you. My soul is satisfied in the riches of your love.
You are my treasure, Oh Lord.
You are worthy of praise in times of joy and in despair.