Thank you for all your prayers for PCC . Here are some brief highlights of our discussions and decisions.
Since the summer the PCC has been working on discerning a set of values that express how we aim to live out our vision as a parish. We agreed the final version of this on Monday. The five core values are:
Loving God – Loving Our Neighbours – Loving Each Other – Celebrating – Exploring
We will be exploring these in various ways in the New Year.
Budget for 2019
With an increase in giving in 2018 the deficit for this year was not as big as we had budgeted for. However, we are due to pay out about £11,000 more than we have received in. Looking ahead to 2019, the deficit is likely to be of a similar level, unless giving increases further or we make significant cost savings. The PCC agreed to meet the projected deficit for 2019 from our financial reserves and also to make provision for likely building repair work.
In the long term we are going to have to increase our income to sustain the ministry that we believe God has given us to do.
Orbit Project
We received a proposal from the Mission and Discipleship Action Group to invest in the Orbit project. This detailed the strong relationships that have been built with the Orbit team through the Wellington Arts Festival and the inspiration of projects like The Hideaway in Manchester. (
It described the potential of partnering with the Orbit to develop a cafe with an interactive play space for children, aimed at providing a safe and welcoming place for families with young children. This space would be available to run activities such as Alpha, Parenting Courses, CAP job clubs etc. The PCC decided to earmark £50,000 towards the Orbit, subject to due diligence and appropriate partnership agreements.
Organ Project
The PCC received a report from the Organ Working Party sharing stories of the way in which organ restorations have strengthened the worshipping lives of churches like ours, and have been used as springboards for outreach. We were encouraged not just to restore the organ, but to celebrate it. We therefore decided to earmark £50,000 towards the work required on the organ.
What can you do?
- Pray that we would increasingly live out our values.
- Get involved in the projects we are investing in – talk to Nick Brooke about Orbit and Jonathan Lloyd about the Organ.
- Pray about our finances, that God would release us into greater generousity.
Please do feedback or ask any questions of the PCC members (a list of members is on the notice board at the back of church)
Every blessing,
Tim Carter