Discipleship Surveys 2021
As we come out of Covid-19 we want to make sure that we are doing all that we can to support each other in our day-to-day walk with Jesus, and to grow in discipleship. To help us do this, it would be really helpful to know what is going well already, and where the gaps are. So, we are asking every member of the church to fill in two surveys. The first is a national one, organised by the Church of England, and the second is a local one that we hope will help us to support each other on our frontlines. There are separate surveys for All Saints and St Catherine’s, recognising their distinctive makeups.
All Saints
National Survey (Link – https://tinyurl.com/2021discipleshipsurvey)
Local Survey https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/9NVDGKJ
St Catherine’s
National Survey (Link – https://tinyurl.com/StCs2021discipleshipsurvey)
Local Survey https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/9N2H2KV
For more on discipleship, see our homegroups pages