These are some of the courses homegroups at All Saints have used over the past few years. Some of the video courses are stored in the resource cupboard in the Parish Centre – do ask Tim for more details.

Saying Yes To Life – Leaders notes: Ruth Valerio’s 2020 Lent Course concentrates on how we can be more present in our community and nation, and carry out Jesus’ manifesto for the poor and oppressed.
Alpha Course: We run Alpha courses around twice a year, exploring the basics of Christian faith and why we believe what we believe. If you’d like to attend an Alpha course you’d be very welcome, please do contact us.
LifeBuilder Bible Studies: This is a wide selection of group studies based around books of the Bible and Christian living.
What’s So Amazing About Grace? This ten-session video-based study takes you on interactive, gut-level encounters with radical, life-changing grace. Through candid video interviews, Philip Yancey integrates true-life experiences with 10 powerful sessions that will rock your preconceptions, get you thinking and talking, and help you discover why grace is more amazing than you’ve ever dreamed.
The Prayer Course: An eight week journey that will help you and your community to grow and deepen your prayer life.
The King’s Speech: Finding a Voice: Themes for each of the five weeks of Lent are introduced with an extract from the film ‘The King’s Speech’. Questions follow for individual thought or group discussion. Each film extracted is linked to a relevant Bible passage leading into practical exercises and prayerful meditations.
Speak Life Course: Negativity, fear and despair abound in our world, but when we learn how to speak God’s language of life, we begin to see the influence of Heaven brought to bear on our circumstances. When we “speak life” to ourselves, others and over situations in our life, it can cause a change in the spiritual atmosphere and usher in long-awaited breakthroughs. By Bev Murrill.
Freedom in Christ Course: The Freedom In Christ approach to discipleship will transform the way you help Christians become fruitful disciples. Focused on firstly establishing every Christian in the sure foundation of their identity in Jesus, it then gives them the tools to break free and stay free from all that holds them back, and a strategy for ongoing transformation.
Catching Contentment – A Six Week Bible Study Course: How can we find rest for our souls when life hurts? What’s stopping us enjoying contentment? Illness, financial worries, a difficult relationship, social media? If only things were different.
Catching Contentment – A Six Session Bible Study Course explores a contentment that is not beyond your grasp. This group study guide is designed to be used alongside Catching Contentment: How to be Holy Satisfied by Liz Carter (IVP, 2018)
A Tale of Beauty from Ashes: Do you ever feel like your life has turned to ruins? Or wonder where God is in your situation? A Tale of Beauty from Ashes by Liz Carter is a six-session Bible study course based around the 2017 live action film ‘Beauty and the Beast’. Each session – designed for individual or group study – will take a different aspect of the theme of restoration, using Isaiah 61 as an anchor.
What is Mission? Bible Study: A small-group Bible study series that delves into four of the main myths about mission we encounter. Untangle fact from fiction with videos, reflections, activities and prayer.
We hear it all the time: “I can’t be in mission because…” But Church Mission Society believes that “the call is for all”. All of God’s people are called to join in God’s mission, whether that means going overseas or over the road.