Pastoral Care at All Saints
One of our core values as a church is “Loving Each Other”. One of the ways in which we live out this value is in our pastoral care for each other. There are around 400 people in the worshipping community of All Saints, across several different congregations. This is too many people for any one person to look after on their own, so pastoral care is a team effort, that involves the whole church community.
Each of us, as part of the family of All Saints, look out for and care for each other. If any of us notice that someone else in the church is lonely, needs encouraging, is unwell, or has another pastoral need, we are all able to do something about it. We can call, visit, or offer to pray. If appropriate, we can also let the Pastoral Care team know, via the church office or one of the clergy.
Small Groups
Our small groups are an important part of our pastoral care system. With so many people involved in All Saints, it can be easy to feel a bit lost and disconnected. Being part of a small group can help us get to know people better, to share our lives, and to look out for each other. Our small group leaders have a pastoral care responsibility for those in their group, and are the first port of call for those in their groups.
Pastoral Care Team
There is a group of 6-8 people, including the clergy, who provide additional pastoral care and support. Every member of the worshipping community who is not in a small group is allocated to a member of the Pastoral Care team. In normal times, this means that members of the team keep a look out for those on their list at services, and keep in touch with them. During the C-19 pandemic we have been more proactive in making contact with those on our lists. This team meets monthly to review those in particular need and the support that is being offered to them.
Pastoral Care and Hospitality Action Group
This group has overall strategic oversight of pastoral care in the church. It also supports other pastoral care initiatives such as Bereavement Support, Sunday Luncheons, Lifts to Sunday services, Dementia Friendly Church, and others.
Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. John 13:14
A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.’ John 13:34-35
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. Thessalonians 5:11