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PCC Jottings – 14th Feb 2022

We had a very full agenda at PCC this week, and I am grateful to the members PCC for their dedication
and prayerful attention to the issues and opportunities we discussed. Here are some of the highlights:

We received a recommendation from the Worship and Prayer Action Group for a new pattern of Sunday
evening services. It was agreed that this will be implemented after Easter:

1st Sunday of Month: Explore – Family craft / music / activities in Parish Centre (4pm)
2nd Sunday of Month: Rest – Simple Compline service (6:30pm)
3rd Sunday of Month: Ignite – Extended sung worship, prayer, prayer ministry (when possible) (6:30pm)
4th Sunday of Month: Dive – Extended Bible teaching with Communion (6:30pm)
5th Sunday of Month: No service

We were pleased to hear from Liz Lawson, our Treasurer, that the finances for 2021 had worked out
well. We are grateful to God for all the generosity that is shown by so many in the parish. We are also
grateful to Liz for all her hard work in keeping track of the numbers. In light of this, and allocating some
one-off grants and gifts, we were able to approve a number of projects, including:

• New sound deadening panels for the Parish Centre, which will reduce the echoiness of the hall
• New screens for All Saints church building to replace the projectors
• The repair of part of the bell ringing equipment to make the bells easier to ring in different ways

We again reviewed our Covid-19 protocols, and were grateful for the input of members of our
congregations who work in the medical professions. It was decided that:

• We would actively encourage people to take an LFT in the 24 hours before attending any church
event, and to not attend if they test positive
• To stop taking track and trace details (QR codes will remain for those who want to use them)
• If the number of cases locally are continuing to fall at the beginning of March to:
o Remove the requirement to wear face coverings at Ignite
o Make face coverings optional on the gallery for morning services
• For Standing Committee to keep rates of local infection under review, and once they fall below
250 cases per 100,000 population to make face coverings voluntary at Sunday morning services
• Face coverings to remain in place for other Sunday evening services and Wednesday lunchtime
services – to be kept under review by Standing Committee
• Face coverings for smaller groups and congregations to be at the discretion of the leaders and
members of those groups, informed by local infection rates

If you have any questions or thoughts about the things that the PCC discusses please do get in touch
with me, or any of the members of PCC.
Tim Carter