Thank you for all your prayers for PCC which was mainly focussed on significant financial and fabric conversations. Here are some brief highlights.
Organ Restoration
We received a report from the Organ Restoration Project team, which was very helpful in detailing three quotes that we have received from different restoration companies, possible sources of grant funding, and making recommendations for the next steps.
The team, on the basis of advice received from a specialist in the area, made a recommendation of which tender to accept. This would have a total cost of the order of £160,000. The assessment of grants available was that £50,000 was a realistic amount to aim for. This leaves a probable funding gap of about £110,000.
After a long discussion the PCC was unable to come to a consensus about the amount of money from church funds that should be allocated to the project. We have requested the project team to inform two of the tendering companies that they have not been successful, and to begin work on developing a plan for how the organ might be used, especially with regard to drawing people into church, if it were to be restored. When this work has been carried out we will make a decision as to whether or not to go ahead with the restoration, and if so, how much finance to allocate to the project.
New Chairs
Having made the decision some time ago to purchase four rows of chairs to replace the front pews in the nave, the PCC considered the details of which chairs to purchase and made a decision about this. It is hoped that these will be in place for Christmas services.
Reordering of back of Church
The PCC considered the plans for the introduction of a coffee servery at the back of church, and the associated increase in toilet facilities that have been on display at the back of church. These outline plans were approved, and selection of an architect to draw up the detailed plans was delegated to the Fabric, Finance, and HR Action Group.
Finance Update
The financial situation of the church, six months into the year, was reported. Giving for the first six months of the year, and total income, was higher than budgeted for, and expenditure was below budget. We were planning to have a half year deficit of around £10,000, but actually it is closer to £5,000. This is good news, but there is still a gap to close. We are still not covering our running costs, and so our giving does need to increase further.
What can you do?
- Pray for the project teams as they continue work on the various initiatives we have going on.
- Pray for a clarity and unity in the PCC with regards to the decisions about the Organ Refurbishment
- Pray about our finances, that God would release us into greater generousity.
Please do feedback or ask any questions of the PCC members.
Every blessing,
Tim Carter