Have you ever wondered what God thinks about leaders? Are you a leader yourself, either at church or elsewhere? Are you interested in becoming a leader? Growing Leaders is a very highly respected course, which is designed as much for people who have been leaders for many years, as for people who have not (yet!) led anything. The Growing Leaders course has a mix of teaching, mentoring, and practical tasks. It is designed to help you explore what God does think of leaders, and how you can be the leader he is calling you to be. The course is designed to help develop ‘firm foundations for Christian leadership’, the ‘key skills of Christian leadership’ and help us to ‘keep faithful in Christian leadership’. Alongside the monthly meetings there will be opportunities to meet one-to-one with a mentor, to reflect on the meetings and work.
The course will run monthly on Wednesdays, starting at 7:30pm on 5th October, for 10 months and will cost £15 (help is available with this if necessary). If you are interested and want some more information or register please get in touch with the Parish Office or by picking up a leaflet from All Saints.